You're handed very specific moments from the film, so well intersect and wrap around The Godfather story, both the movie and book,' So the approach we aqreed with Paramount was that we wanted to create The Godfather living world, not necessarily a 'movie qame'. 'When you look at The Godfather, there's only about ten action-oriented sequences in it. So lias EA noticed just how much GTA sells and it now wants a piece of the action? Were horses' heads left on pillows until developers qot the picture? David De Martini, the game's executive producer, claims it was nothing so sinister. The First Two Godfather films sit atop the tallest of the celluloid trees, so it's no small task for EA Redwood Shores, the in-house studio previously involved with the Tiger Woods and James Bond franchises, to convert it into 3D accelerated form.